Contact Center Questions: What Makes a Leader?

Written by KOVA Corp

Leadership is one of the fundamental building blocks of every business/organization. Without leaders, the businesses and organizations we have now wouldn’t exist. But what makes a true leader? Is a leader someone who has a vision and works with their team to establish that vision? Yes and no. A leader is much more than that. They are a mentor, the glue that keeps a team together; they don’t necessarily have to lead all the time.

It’s important as a call center manager to be able to effectively lead your team.


Let’s begin with the basics of leadership—a vision. All leaders in some way have a vision, and visions can vary across the board. Whether it’s a vision about their business and its customers, or one about the internal affairs of a business, every leader has a vision in mind that they want to strive towards. What comes next is a team.


Leaders would be nothing if they didn’t have a team working with them. Now, that doesn’t mean that the leader just oversees their team and delegates assignments in order to reach the vision they have in mind, but the leader must cooperate with their team and work together. Sometimes in certain instances the “head” leader will not always lead, someone else may step up. In these cases those leaders are called “situational leaders” because they are leading due to certain situations, and are better suited to lead during that specific time.


Communicating with their team is the sure-fire way that a leader can hear the wants and needs of their team. If any adjustments need to be made for a certain setting, in order to create a productive atmosphere, the leader will find this out through effective communication. The leader can talk face-to-face or administer a survey, but a way to ensure the leader will get feedback from their team is by showing that they are invested in their team. This is why communication is so important; numerous business/organizations have had problems due to a lack of communication. Communication is key.


Realizing the potential in others is something that can be overlooked by leaders since it isn’t something at the forefront of everyone’s minds. But helping team members see the potential they have and the impact they have on their team as a whole will strengthen the team. Leaders should want to be a mentor and help their team members to exercise the abilities they have. Even if it’s an area that a team member may be lacking in, a leader should want to help them improve in that area.

Problem Solving

The truth isn’t always pretty, and when it comes to leadership, the truth is something they will deal with on a daily basis. A leader must be able to face the truth, no matter how hard it is, and be able to help their team fix whatever problem arises. They must be able to think quickly on their feet to get their team headed in the right direction to fix what needs to be fixed.

Want to improve how you lead in your company? Check out KOVA’s Verint Media Recorder Workforce Management software. This software can help you communicate with others in your business, or on your team, more effectively. It can also free up some time so you can coach some of your team members, in order to help them strengthen their abilities.

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